Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy to be at home, chilling, and watching the sun set in my back yard.

It has been a busy week of travel. Out to Washington DC and back. And
today, a busy coaching day with executives at Stanford. But the day is
done. And I am chillig at home. The smoker has ribs on it. Chilled
California wine. A beautiful yellow sunset. And a chance to sleep in
tomorrow, finally, on a Saturday morning. Life at the end of the week
can be good! How about for you?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blustery New York City

Friday and Saturday here in new York city. Squalling rains destroy
umbrellas instantly. People walking around with their slickers. Heads
down. Trying to stay underground in the subways. Surfacing and getting
soaked. It is a great day to find a restaurant in Chinatown to find
some hot comforting laksa - a coconut curry broth soup with mixed bits
of seafood. The plane take off today is going to be bumpy!
